User's Manual

124 DOT 320 User’s Guide
Undo: undoes action.
Cut: cuts selected folders or files. You can select both folders and files at the same
time by tapping-and-dragging or selecting with SHIFT key.
Copy: copies selected folders or files.
Paste: pastes folders/files cut or copied to current folder.
Paste Shortcut: creates shortcut of folders/files cut or copied.
Select All: selects all files and folders in current folder.
Address Bar: shows up address bar in Windows Explorer.
View Type: change the type of view.
Large Icons: shows folders and files with large icons.
Small Icons: shows folders and files with small icons.
Details: shows folders and files with detailed information: Name, Size, Type, and
Modified date.
Arrange Icons: arranges icons in current folder. Available when Large Icons or
Small Icons are used.
Refresh: refreshes current folder.
Options: sets up Window Explorer options. You can set hidden files to show or not,
and hide file extensions.
Back: back to previous folder.
Forward: forward to subsequent folder.
My Documents: shows My Documents.
History: shows history. History will clear after closing Windows Explorer.
Add to Favorites: adds the shortcut of current folder to favorites.
Organize Favorites: organizes favorites.
To move to icon menu, tap See Other Menu.