User's Manual

Flash ROM. See ROM.
IMAP4 (Internet Messaging Access Protocol v4). A
protocol that enables a computer to retrieve messages from a
mail server.
Infrared port. A communication port that uses optical
(infrared) signals rather than wires or cables to transmit data.
Internet. A worldwide network of computers offering services
such as email, the Worldwide Web, FTP, Usenet news, and
Intranet. A network that offers services similar to the Internet,
but usually accessible only to users within a single company or
IP (Internet Protocol). The standard by which packets of
information are transmitted over the Internet.
IrDA (Infrared Data Association Protocol). An
established standard for infrared communications between
computers and other peripherals and devices.
ISP (Internet Service Provider). A commercial business
that provides Internet access services to individuals or
businesses, usually for a fee.
LAN (Local Area Network). A group of computers, usually
in close proximity (either in the same building or in buildings
in close proximity), that are linked together to share files and
exchange data.
Modem. A communication device that enables a computer to
transmit data over telephone lines.