User's Manual

DOT400 User Guide -
Soft Keyboard:
When DOT 320 starts, you can see soft keyboard icon on taskbar. Tap soft
keyboard icon, then soft keyboard appears. You can input characters,
numbers, and symbols by tapping proper key on soft keyboard.
Functions of the soft keyboard are as following:
Select Capital/Small Letter:
Tab this icon to change capital/small letter. When capital is selected, capital
letters and symbols appear on number keypad. It does the same as the Shift
Select Symbols:
Tab this icon to select symbols. When combined with the Cap icon, you can
input capital symbols.
Select Shortcut:
You can Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste mix-use with z, x, c, and v.
You can combine a function key with other function keys. For example, you
can input capital symbols by tapping CAP and áü.