User's Manual

DOT400 User Guide -
2. Ask your network administrator to create a RAS account
before connecting to a network. Once the account is set up,
enter the following information in the dial-up network
connection window: user name, password and domain.
3. Tap the Dial-up Connection Properties icon and if you find
the settings correct, tap the Connect icon.
4. When connected, you can run programs such as Internet
Explorer or Inbox for your working.
Creating an Ethernet connection
To make a network with an Ethernet card, you must have a
NE2000/NE2001-compatible Ethernet card.
1. Insert the Ethernet card to the CF type slot of your DOT 400.
2. Select Start > Settings > Network to create the NE2000 icon in
the network folder window. Double-tap the NE2000 icon, and
then the “NE2000 Compatible Ethernet Driver Settings” window
appears. Select “Obtain an IP address via DHCP”, then tap OK.
3. You can also connect to a network by entering an IP address.
Obtain the detailed information from your ISP or network