User's Manual

DOT400 User Guide -
You can set a password to protect and secure your DOT 400 from
other unauthorized users.
To set a password:
1. Select the password setting tab.
2. In the Password box, enter a password.
3. In the Confirm Password box, enter the password again.
4. To enable protection at start-up, select “Enable Password
Protection at Start-up.” Tap the screen with the stylus pen
to enter a password, and then a keyboard appears. Entering
the password directs you to the main screen.
When restarting the system after enabling the password
protection at start-up or resetting software settings, you will be
asked to enter a password. If you forget your password, you will
not be able to restart the system. In this case, you must perform
a hardware reset. Performing a hardware reset will erases all files
and data you have created, and all programs previously installed.
It is recommended that you use a password that is easy to
remember and store it securely in your desktop PC. If you forget
your password, you can only use your DOT 400 again after the
hardware is reset.
To cancel the password protection, go to the Password Properties
window and remove it.