User's Manual

DOT400 User Guide -
Device status
This shows the names and status of devices that are currently using
Device status
This shows the names and status of devices that are currently using
Optimizing Battery Life
You may want your batteries to last as long as possible,
especially when you're out of office or home. Here are a few tips
to help you get the most from them.
1. Establishing a dial-up connection (some modems use a huge
amount of power).
2. Using the backlight feature.
3. Connecting to a desktop PC.
4. Using a compact flash card or other peripherals.
5. Letting the LED indicator flash for extended time periods.
B. Turn off your device when not in use.
While on battery power, your device is automatically turned off, if you
haven't touched the keyboard or used the stylus or mouse for more
than three minutes.
Maximize battery life by shortening this time.
C. Turn off sounds you don't need.
By default, the device produces sounds in response to a number of
events, such as warnings, appointments, and hardware-button presses.
To optimize battery life, turn off any sound you don't need. Select Start
> Settings > Control Panel, and then Volume & Sounds.
When batteries are very low, you will see the Very Low Alarm
dialog in the tesk bar and main window. In this case, you must
charge DOT 400 using the bettery charger. If not, a system fault
may occur.