User's Manual

DOT400 User Guide -
Use Tasks to keep track of what you have to do. When you tap
a task in the Task list, a summary window of the
information you entered is displayed.
In the task list, overdue tasks are displayed in red.
TASK Main View
View Sort
Quick Bar
Task Lists
Menu Bar: consists of New Menu, Tool Menu, Quick icons.
Tap New > New Task to create a new task, Task Edit
window appears. You can set up options of task in Tool >
Quick icons: Enables to select the Categories menu quickly
Shows all lists
Shows only the tasks in progress
Shows only the completed tasks
Show Quick Bar in main window
View Categories: show task list by category. You can edit
category list in Category in Task Edit window. And you can
view only Active task or Completed task by selecting
Sort Tasks: sort task by Status, Priority, Subject, Start Day, or
Due Day.