User manual

Triple Dig Input Module
Airlab from D&R Phone +31 294 418014, email: Page 20
This useful feature has two important functions:
1. Cough/Communication,
2. 'MIC-on' (CUE on)
Both functions are software programmable.
1. Cough/Communication
(A push-button needs to be connected to the ring and sleeve of the remote jack plug.)
Using the push-button during broadcast, the announcer can temporarily mute the
microphone in order to cough (where the name comes from). At the same time his
microphone will be routed to the CUE system, in order to give him the opportunity to
communicate with the engineer/producer. Cough works on every programmed mic input.
2. 'MIC-on'
When the channel is active a voltage is applied between Tip (+) and Sleeve (0V),
which can be used to activate a LED (red) or an opto-coupler.
In addition to the localized 'mic-on' signaling, there's also a master signal in the
master section. The ON-AIR signaling outputs 1 and 2 offer the option of driving
external red light indicators in the studio by way of external high voltage relays.
In this mode CUE can be switched on/off via a remote external push-button.
When the channel is active a voltage is applied between Tip (+) and Sleeve (0V),
which can be used to activate a LED (red) or an opto-coupler.
Alignment of the MIC input
With the fader in the 'down' position, and the CUE activated, the input signal is adjusted with the gain
control until the 0 dB position in the master VU meter is reached. When the fader is in its 0 dB position, the
signal has a nominal level in the Airlab. This way of alignment will give enough headroom to compensate
for signal losses of up to 10 dB, whilst the noise floor remains well below the nominal level.
Airlab Dig Line input module
This part of the triple input module is specially designed to accept balanced (AES3) and unbalanced (S/P-
dif) digital input signals. There are two digital inputs; line A (AES3) and line B (S/P-dif). Both inputs can
have fader start functions. By changing software settings this can be accomplished.