Service manual

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DaCor builT-in Dishwasher serviCe Manual
Main Wash/Temp Assure
After the final reading by the soil sensor, the unit drains before
starting to fill for the main wash. The tub fills, with the wash
motor starting after the low level pressure switch is activated.
The detergent dispenser now opens, introducing detergent
into the wash cycle. The electronic control checks the water
temperature through the thermistor, energizing the inline heater
to maintain or heat the wash water entering the second level
spray arm.
The main wash temperature has been predetermined for the
wash cycle selected. At this point, depending on the required
temperature (Temp Assure), the electronic control pauses the
time remaining to allow the wash water to heat to the desired
setting. If Temp Assure is not reached, the dishwasher pauses
time between 0 and 10 minutes to allow the temperature to
increase during several periods of the main wash. Once the main
wash cycle is completed, the dishwasher goes through the drain
phase before filling for the rinse phase of the cycle.
Temperature Controls
Options allow the consumer the choice to control the temperature at which the main wash operates.
The main wash water can be heated to increase the performance of the chosen wash cycle.
If the High Temp option is chosen, the required temperature (Temp Assure) during the main
wash is increased to 140°F. The control will pause the time remaining for up to 10 minutes
to allow the water to heat to this temperature. Whether or not the water temperature
reaches this in 10 minutes, the cycle continues without indication that it reached or did not
reach this temperature.
When the Sanitize option is chosen, the National Sanitation Foundation requires, in the final rinse cycle,
that 155°F be reached and maintained for a certain amount of time. During the final rinse, the control
pauses the time remaining for up to 30 minutes to reach Temp Assure (155°F for Sanitize) before
proceeding to the end of the cycle. Should the cycle meet the requirements defined by the Sanitize
option, the Sanitize ring will remain lit following the completion of the cycle. The ring will not light if
Temp Assure is not met.