Service manual

CP-850FX Service Manual
Europe R&D
pass filtered with the according gain and time constant. The result is used to attenuate the RGB
outputs by adjusting the white drive multipliers for the internal (digital) RGB signals, and the
analog contrast multipliers for the analog RGB inputs, respectively. The lower limit of the
attenuator is programmable, thus a minimum contrast can always be set. If the minimum contrast
is reached, the brightness will be decreased to a programmable minimum as well. Synchronization and Deflection
The deflection processing generates the signals for the horizontal and vertical drive. This block
contains two numeric phase-locked loops and a security unit:
– PLL2 generates the horizontal and vertical timing, e.g. blanking, clamping and sync signals.
Phase and frequency are synchronised by the incoming sync signals.
– PLL3 adjusts the phase of the horizontal drive pulse and compensates for the delay of the
horizontal output stage.
– The security unit observes the H-Drive output signal.
With an external 5 MHz reference clock this unit
controls the H-drive “off time” and period. In case of
an incorrect H-drive signal the security unit generates
a free running h-drive signal divided down from
beam current EHT Compensation
The vertical deflection waveform is scaled according the average beam current. This is used to
compensate the effects of electric high tension changes due to beam current variations. EHT
compensation for East/West deflection is done with an offset corresponding to the average beam
8-bit 8051 instruction set compatible CPU
33.33-MHz internal clock (max.)
0.360 μs (min.) instruction cycle
Two 16-bit timers : schedule software tasks , and user clock
Watchdog timer
Capture compare timer for infrared remote control decoding
Pulse width modulation unit (2 channels 14 bit, 6 channels 8 bit) : used to control AGC
Take Over Point .
ADC (4 channels, 8 bit) : AFT, AGC, Local keys, OCP.
Multistandard Digital Data Slicer
Parallel Multi-norm Slicing (TTX, VPS, WSS)
Four Different Framing Codes Available
Data Caption only Limited by available Memory
Programmable VBI-buffer
Full Channel Data Slicing Supported
Fully Digital Signal Processing
Noise Measurement and Controlled Noise Compensation
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