Installation manual

Daikin AC (Americas), Inc., (“Daikin AC”) warrants that for a period of one (1) year from the date of
purchase by the end-user (“Customer”), the Daikin ENVi thermostat (the “Product”) shall be free of
defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service. During the limited warranty
period, Daikin AC shall, at its option, repair or replace any defective Products, at no charge. Any
replacement and/or repaired device are warranted for the remainder of the original limited warranty
or ninety (90) days, whichever is longer.
This limited warranty will apply with respect to parts only and not labor. Accordingly, subject to the
conditions and limitations set forth herein, the limited warranty entitles the Customer to receive, at
the option of Daikin AC only, a repaired or replacement part.
If the Product is defective, please call the third party contractor (“Installing Contractor”). After
consulting with the Installing Contractor, Daikin AC will make the determination whether a
replacement Product can be sent to you or whether the Product should be returned to the following
address: Daikin AC (Americas), Inc. 1645 Wallace Drive, Suite 110, Carrollton, TX 75006. In the event of
a failure of a Product, Customer may:
• contacttheInstallingContractorfromwhomtheProductwaspurchasedtoobtainan
equivalent replacement product, provided the Installing Contractor determines that the
returned Product is defective and Customer is otherwise eligible to receive a replacement
This limited warranty does not cover removal, freight or reinstallation costs and shall not apply if the
damages were found to be caused by something other than defects in materials or workmanship.
The limited warranty will be void and of no eect, and Daikin AC will have no liability to Customer or
anyone, including without limitation, if the Product:
• wasoperated/storedinabnormaluseormaintenanceconditionsnotprescribedintheUser
• isrepaired,modiedoralteredbyanysourceotherthanDaikinAC,itsagentsoralicensed
Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) contractor and Daikin AC expressly authorizes
such repair;
• theProductwassubjectedtomisuse,abuse,negligence,electricalfault,improperhandlingor
improper or inadequate maintenance accident or acts of nature;
• theProductisnotoperatedormaintainedandservicedincompliancewiththeprinted
instructions and recommendations of Daikin AC;
• theserialnumberoftheProducthasbeenaltered,defaced,orremoved;
• theProductismishandledbyCustomeroranythirdparty;
• lightning,uctuationsinelectricalpoweroractsofGodhaveoccurred;
• problemsarisefromnormalwearandtear;
• theProducthasnotbeenpurchasedfromanauthorizedDaikinACdistributororsales
representative (an Authorized Seller”) or from a party or contractor who has purchased the
Product from an Authorized Seller;
• wasnotinstalledbyalicensedHeatingVentilatingandAirConditioning(HVAC)contractoror
was installed improperly.