User's Guide

Mounting to a pipe:
With the provided pipe adaptor, the breams can be mounted to a 1.5” O.D.
1. Use the provided screws, small “C” adaptor and rubber adaptor to connect
the “C” bracket to the pipe.
2. Make sure both the A and B units are powered on and the rubber plug is
inserted into the power button hole.
3. Use the provided small screws and split ring lock washers to mount the A
and B beams to the “C” brackets.
4. Align the A and B units so that the lenses are pointing towards each other.
5. If the beams are paired, you will get a signal when you walk between the
beams. If you get a signal every 20 seconds (5 minutes optional), this is the
reminder signal and the beams are not aligned. Slightly reposition the
beams until the reminder stops and the beams are activated by walking
between them.