
DALI A/S www.dali-speakers.com
Current Immunity and
Frequency Independence
Two problems even more difficult to
solve than the voice coil excursion
dependency are:
The modulations of the flux in the
magnet gap, when current running
through the voice coil windings
generates new ‘competing’ flux in the
magnet gap.
The frequency dependency of the
electrical and magnetic properties of
the iron parts.
The way to eliminate these two
artefacts without compromising any of
the above listed qualities was to use
new materials with electro-magnetic
properties different from iron.
The answer turned out to be a Soft
Magnetic Compound (SMC) material
which offers exactly the right physical
As this material needs quite
advanced processing, DALI R&D
engineers have worked together
with a European specialist company
outside the traditional loudspeaker
industry to develop the design, and to
manufacture the parts for the EPICON
woofer magnet system.
The fine grain SMC material is an important building material in the materialization of the high performance EPICON magnet system.