
DALI A/S www.dali-speakers.com
A note from the chef…
Adhering to DALI’s low-loss sound
principle the crossover must be as
simple as possible. Naturally this
requires the best ‘raw material’, e.g.
drivers and cabinet. In EPICON this
is exactly what we have. And each
component in the crossover has been
handpicked for its specific abilities
after hours and hours of measuring
and listening.
The crossover is hand-soldered for
shortest distance and best contact
point. Even though the crossover
sits in its own chamber, sealed from
fluctuating air pressure, a solid MDF
board still constitutes the platform,
virtually eliminating any resonances.
Wiring running from the crossover to
the drivers is sealed where it enters
the different chambers in the cabinet.
Furthermore it is held in place by
internal bracing to reduce the risk
of vibrations being picked up. For
termination DALI relies on spade lugs
for long-lasting, low-distortion contact