
DALI A/S www.dali-speakers.com
Over the years DALI has continuously been
pushing the limit for what can be achieved in
terms of performance and build quality. With the
introduction and steady evolution of technologies
such as the hybrid tweeter module and wood
fibre cones the important high-end segment
has been the inspiration for DALI’s relentless
research and development.
And at a certain point these efforts are converted
into real breakthroughs in new technology, making
it possible to achieve so much more than what was
previously within reach. The time has now come
for a new reference speaker from DALI – the DALI
EPICON series.
Built on knowledge from almost 30 years of
research, development, and manufacturing of
speakers, and on results from experimenting with
both new and known technology the EPICON series
shows just how far DALI has come in our search for
natural sound reproduction.
With a visual appearance that signals exclusivity
and simplicity these speakers are for the most
demanding of music and movie enthusiasts. And
with a performance which is clearly DALI - taken
one step further – we intend not only to meet these
demands. We will surpass them.
This whitepaper will take you behind the scenes,
revealing some of the science that goes into
creating the magic sound experience distributed by
this new series….