
DALI A/S www.dali-speakers.com
EPICON 2 demonstrates perfectly what
this new series is all about: Minimal
signal degradation… or put bluntly:
Transparency and revelation taken to
an - until now – unseen level!
This speaker demonstrates a highly
linear and coherent response, and
integrates well with small to medium-
sized rooms. The woofer roll-off is slow,
and the speaker reaches deep into the
lowest frequencies. All in all, in most
setups this will sound like a much
larger speaker than it really is.
Within its working range the EPICON 2
will fully match the performance quality
of its larger siblings, the EPICON 6 and 8.
This is the new compact speaker for the
purist seeking high-performance sound.
In essence the EPICON 6 extends the
frequency range both up and down,
compared to the EPICON 2.
Featuring the DALI hybrid tweeter
module the dome is now handling
between 95-99% of the high
frequency information – the rest is
reproduced by the ribbon tweeter. The
sensation of air, transparency, and
effortlessness is evident.
The dedicated woofer in the EPICON
6 carries the responsibility for the
higher sensitivity and power handling
compared to the EPICON 2.
Consequently it couples well to larger
rooms, and will not disappoint in any
aspect of its sonic performance.
Essentially the EPICON 6 combines
the simplicity of the EPICON 2 with the
power of the EPICON 8.
The EPICON speakers are all supplied with a detachable front grille to allow for flexibility in appearance. For a clean look, and for easy and secure mounting/dismounting of
grilles, both the cabinet and the grille feature concealed neodymium magnets. With the grille in place the EPICON radiates powerful elegance, and without it clearly signals
acoustic superiority. And all in a design which will last a lifetime.