
Like many, we probably didn’t appreciate the sheer
complexi of headphones before we started the IO project.
We quickly realised that to create a headphone worthy of
carrying the DALI logo, we would have to dedicate an R&D
team to look into every aspect and detail of the design,
audio performance and construction.
Our dedication has paid o; the DALI IO-4 and DALI IO-6
are true DALI products, made with an extreme aention
to detail. Every single component in the IO headphones is
unique. They have been created to the highest possible
standard in terms of design, durabili, comfort, functionali
and of course, sound quali.
From the beginning we set a clear goal; DALI headphones
must deliver the best possible sound quali, as well as being
comfortable to wear for a long period of time.
It was quickly decided that the first DALI headphones
should be of the over-ear (circumaural) format, that
encloses the entire ear and rests on the side of the head.
How hard
can it be?
Circumaural format has the twin advantages of optimising
comfort and reducing air-leak variation from user to user.
This is hugely important to ensure that all users experience
the same fantastic sound quali.
Circumaural format has also allowed us to choose a bigger
and beer driver for maximum sound quali. It was clear
that our headphones had to be of the closed back pe
in order to oer the best possible passive noise isolation
(PNI), and a fundamental requirement for active noise
cancellation (ANC).
Closed back circumaural headphones are fundamentally
bulkier than other pes, so one of the huge design
challenges was to strike the right balance between
elegance, performance and size.
Through several design concepts, protopes, and user
tests groups, we believe we have designed headphones
of a universal and timeless appeal, without compromising
comfort or sound quali.
DALI A/S www.dali-speakers.comDALI IO 4