User`s manual

48 Part I: PC2-CamLink Board PC2-CamLink User's Manual
Sapera Parameters for Cropper:
CORACQ_PRM_CROP_WIDTH: Horizontal width of area of interest
CORACQ_PRM_CROP_LEFT: Horizontal offset
CORACQ_PRM_CROP_HEIGHT: Vertical height of area of interest
CORACQ_PRM_CROP_TOP: Vertical offset
In CamExpert, these parameters are located under the ‘Image Buffer and AOI
Parameters’ tab.
IFC Parameters for Cropper:
P_HORZ_OFF: Horizontal offset
P_WIDTH_PIXELS: Horizontal width of area of interest
P_VERT_OFF: Vertical offset
P_HEIGHT_PIXELS: Vertical height of area of interest
Note: Under IFC, a special situation occurs for 2-channel segmented cameras. In this
case, Window Generator must know how many inactive pixels are present at the
beginning of each line (after the LVAL) in order to correctly extract a region of interest.
This is why this particular geometry requires two additional parameters to identify the
number of active and inactive pixels per channel.
P_HORZ_INACTIVE: Number of inactive pixel per channel after LVAL (only used in
2-channel segmented)
P_HORZ_ACTIVE: Number of active pixel per channel (only used in 2-channel
YCrCb Engine
The YCrCb Engine converts an 8-bit monochrome image into a 16-bit padded YCrCb image to display
in overlay (Windows secondary surface). The value 0x80 is placed in chrominance by the YCrCb
Engine and is added during PCI transfer. Furthermore, the YCrCb Engine eliminates CPU
involvement when copying host buffers into display by transferring directly into overlay, bypassing
the CPU.
Note: The YCrCb Engine is only available for monochrome cameras. If your camera has a pixel depth
above 8-bits, pixel data will be first truncated to 8-bits.
Sapera Support for YCrCb Engine:
In CamExpert, this parameters is located under the ‘Image Buffer and AOI Parameters’
tab. Select ‘Image Buffer Format’.