User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
7.5 Manual - Software installation
TetraFlex® 7.5
o Windows Embedded Standard 2009 (WES2009)
o XP
o Windows 7
o Windows Server 2008 R2
Installing the new Release can be done in different ways:
o Installing whole image including XP - relevant when upgrading SB421 and BSC412
from releases older than 7.30 e.g. 7.21 or new installation
o Installing whole image including WES 2009 (if the SB421 or BSC412 has a license
for WES2009) - relevant when upgrading SB421 and BSC412 from releases older
than 7.30 e.g. 7.21 or new installation
o Installing the TetraFlex packet or individual parts of the packet Log Server running on Service Box with 2 Gbyte CF Card
If the Service Box has to run the Log Server program, the CF card has to be exchanged to
the new 8GByte CF card with the full TetraFlex packet including a preinstalled Log Server.
The actual TetraFlex configuration should be copied from the old to the new CF card (the
configuration is stored in C:\Tetra\Active\data\.
The Service box with the Log Server needs also to have 1GB RAM to function properly. Installing a new image on SB421 and BSC412
If this procedure is not followed, and the upgrade is done remotely, the remote
connection to the system might be lost and it is necessary to go on site for
NOTE: Always use CF-card delivered from DAMM that are prepared to be bootable from
either BSC 412 or SB421. Having any configuration files on the cf-card they should be
backed up, otherwise they are lost. If you want to be able to use the old sw version again
Copy drive C: (CF-P1) to drive D: (CF-P2).
The new image can be downloaded from DAMM’s web site (see chapter Partners access to
Software Releases.
Before using the image please unzip. Use a PC and place the unzipped files in a directory
e.g. \Image.
Always check the Application Date Limit on the Dongle before installing new software. If the
the Application Date Limit is older than the date of the software version you are installing, it
will not work.
o Move the flash disk to an external card reader and check if it is formatted (C: NTFS
format, label CF-P1) and copy the new image to the partition CF-P1)
o Place the CF Card in the BSC412 or SB421 and reboot. After a while
theFBReseale dialog appears, please be patient it takes a while.