User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
7.5 Manual - Software installation
TetraFlex® 7.5
o Go to …\Tetra\Active\Pgm\BSC directory and open the file ImageSetup.bat file for
o Edit the file (delete REM notes) for the configuration needed (recommendation is all
except headlines)
o Insert the correct IP and data (PC Name) in the top “set” lines (do not edit the bottom
“set” lines)
o Save the file
o DO NOT RUN. The bat file will be executed and then deleted the first time the
BSC.exe is started
o To make the BSC service and application start, make a copy of bsc.exe to bsc_.exe
The system configuration is stored in the the files CnfgBsc.txt, CngfBss.txt, CnfgMain.txt,
CnfgFact.txt and CnfgBs.txt in the \\Tetra\Active\Data folder. When these files are missing
they are auto-generated when the BSC application is started (with default values).
These files can also be generated with the following OM commands:
F70/SAVE CnfgBsc.txt
S70/SAVE -> CnfgBss.txt
M70/SAVE ->CnfgMain.txt
M90/SAVE -> CnfgFact.txt
H71/SAVE-> CnfgBs.txt (used by BSC412 only)
After the files have been generated they must be edited with the correct IP address and other
parameters. Please see the chapter “SB421 configuration” and “BS41x Configuration” for
more details.
If you want to use DHCP server (recommend for SB421) this must be started manually. Go to
\Program files\DHCPserver and start the program DHCPsrv.exe. Install as service.
o NOTE This does NOT include the configuration of the LAN and WAN network card
settings in Windows. This must be done manually.
2.4.4 Installing individual parts of the TetraFlex packet.
All applications are preinstalled from factory on the SB421 and the BSC412, but can be re-
installed or installed on different external PC’s. Be aware of having the approriate dongles
when running the applications on various machines. Also check the Application Date Limit
before installing new releases.
Note: See also relevant upgrade guidelines and release notes when installing new
software. BSC
1. If the system is already installed with TetraFlex
release 7.5 you only have to install the
new BSC software: