User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
V7.5 MANUAL - Log Server
TetraFlex® 7.5
\\Server-File\Damm\Support\John\TetraStar_Logserver_Backup this is a network destination
where the log server has access.
To enable the scheduled database maintenance settings you have to click the “Save settings”
button. When you do this, you will be requested to enter the login credentials for the Backup
Destination Login.
Figure 3-80 Backup destination login credentials
When the scheduled maintenance is saved and enabled, you can see when the next
scheduled maintenance task is executed in the Next scheduled maintenance task field, see
Error! Reference source not found..
Figure 3-81 next scheduled maintenance task
To enable or disable cleanup of old database records set or remove the check mark in
“Cleanup database records (after backup)”, and specify the cleanup threshold in the “Delete
record older than” edit box. The scheduled maintenance executes the database backup as
the first step (if selected), when this succeeds it continues to clean up the old database
records from database. Maintenance Now
The LogClient offers the possibility to check/test your database maintenance settings by
initiating the database maintenance immediately. Be aware that the “Maintenance now” is
executed with the saved “Backup database” and “Cleanup database records” settings. These
settings are shown in the confirm dialog, see Error! Reference source not found..
Figure 3-82 Confirm manual maintenance