User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
V7.5 MANUAL - Dispatcher
TetraFlex® 7.5
3-94 RSSI measurement plot
(not available on Google standard map)
When changing the map view to History view you get the option to plot RSSI measurement
on the map as different colors depending on the RSSI level. This can be used for making a
coverage map or just to see the RSSI levels of a radio on the map.
Only history shows only the historical GPS positions
Uplink RSSI Shows the RSSI level the actual node measures for a given radio
Downlink RSSI Shows the RSSI level the radio measures to the connected node
(only possible on Sepura radios with the Sepura Performance Report enabled) Send file
It is possible to send files between two dispatchers by clicking the on the dispatcher you want
to send the file to in the Phone book list:
When selecting Send Files you get the file transfer container: