User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
V7.5 MANUAL - Dispatcher
TetraFlex® 7.5
Figure 3-70: Individual Subscriber DGNA history
Figure 3-71: Group DGNA history
3.5.10 SDS Functionality
All outgoing SDS traffic from the Dispatcher is initiated from the Call Dialog which is available
in the SDS and Phone Book windows. The predefined Status SDS’s in the list are
Organization in-depended, since they are completely transparent to the infrastructure. The
predefined Status SDS list is located in a file named StatusSds.txt on the local dispatcher PC.
All incoming SDS traffic to the dispatcher is placed in the inbox; please see Figure 3-72. This
includes both text and status SDS’s.
An open or closed envelope indicates whether the SDS has been read or not
Figure 3-72: SDS Inbox
All outgoing SDS traffic from the Dispatcher are copied to the SDS Outbox, see Figure 3-73.
This includes both text and status SDS’s. The status of any requested SDS Reports is
indicated here by icons.
The types of SDS reports which are supported are: