User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
V7.5 MANUAL - Dispatcher
TetraFlex® 7.5
Google map Standard Google maps. These are like the maps you get when
accessing and off course this requires an internet connection
to access.
Google map premier Uses Google maps, but with a more advanced interface to be
able to show e.g. RSSI measurement and lines between the position history points on
the map. It is possible to cache Google maps to speed up the changing of the maps or
zoom in and out on a map. If the Internet connection is broken it is possible to use the
cached maps, but with the limitation that areas and zoom levels that are not cached,
will not be shown. The cache folder is used to define where the cached maps are
stored to and retrieved from. It is possible to get a premium Google account that
makes it possible to get faster updates of the maps and without limitations of how
many maps it is possible to collect. If you have a Google maps Premier license, Login
information can be added in the client Id and Key fields. It is possible to add layers on
top of these maps in ESRI shape format.
Open Street maps Free geographic data. It is possible to show e.g. RSSI
measurement and lines between the position history points on the map. It is possible
to add layers on top of these maps in ESRI shape format*. The cache folder is used
to define where the cached maps are stored and retrieved from.
Raster maps* This map format makes it possible to make your own map in GEO
TIFF or ERDAS ECW format. In the Path field you can select the directory where the
GEO Tiff or ERDAS ECW files are placed. If selecting a map in one of these formats
the Units and Projection** fields will automatically be filled in if the map file is
provided with this information. If the projection information is not provided in the map
file it can be typed in manually. If the projection -or units parameters are not correct
you will either get a warning or the map will not be shown correct.
*) ESRI-Shape format and Raster maps are Dongle controlled and has to be purchased
**) Projection - A map projection is any method of representing the surface of a sphere or
other shapes on a plane. For further explanation refer to
The projection of your maps should be inserted here in the PROJ.4 Cartographic Projections
Library format defined by OSGeo. Refer to
To find the actual projection the webpage could be used by
selecting ESRI references, the actual ESRI number corresponding to your map and then
Example: +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs