User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
7.5 Manual - Log Server
TetraFlex® 7.5
Warning: When installing the Log Server on a system with a former database
version, the log server backs up the old database and Log Client and starts up with a
blank database. To view the content of the old databasse, use the backed up
version of the Log Client.
2.10.1 General Description
The TetraFlex
Log Server software is delivered in 3 versions: Build in the BS41x and
SB421, external Log Workstation and external Log Server.
The TetraFlex
Log Server software is installed as a service named “LogServer”, which
automatically starts when the windows system is powered up.
2.10.2 LogServer License
The TetraFlex
Log Server requires a USB License dongle to run. The dongle has two
purposes, to protect the TetraFlex
Log Server software from being illegally used without any
software license, and to store essential configuration and licensing values.
The dongle has a selection of settings, some of which are payable
The dongle must be present on the unit (BS41x, SB421, Log Workstation, and Log Server)
where the TetraFlex
Log Server application is installed else it will not be able to run.
The log server is capable of logging statistics data if only a valid DAMM dongle is installed,
but if CDR, Voice logging, MS registration and SDS logging is needed this must be set in the
From the log server tray LogServer License tab, the following configuration values read
from the dongle are shown: