User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
7.5 Manual - Log Server
TetraFlex® 7.5
5. Install "MySql Community Server"
The latest MySql Community Server can be found at
There are 2 versions, a 32bit and a 64bit version, select the one that matches your hardware.
Right click Setup.exe and select "Run as administrator" and select the following:
Setup Type: Typical
click next
click Install
Click next until Wizard Completed page
Keep the Check mark in "Configure the MySql Server now", click finish.
Now the "MySql Server Instance Configuration Wizard Ver 1.0.8" is launched, click
Keep the Check mark in "Detailed configuration", click next.
Depending on the machine select either "Server Machine"(this is for a BSC) or
"Dedicated MySQL Server Machine"
(this is for LogServer running on PC without any other server applications)
click Next
On "Database Usage" select the "Multifunctional database", Click next
Select the installation path. If possible select another partition than the c: drive.
For Bsc: Select datadir d:\MySql Datafiles, click next
Select the "Dicission support" number of concurrent connections (20 assumed), click
Enable TCP/IP Network option, disable Strict mode, click next
Select the default language to "Standard Character set", click next
Select "Install as Windows Service", launch the MysQL Server,
deselect "Launch the MySql service automatically" only if data partition (d:) is present,
click next
Enter "tetra" as root password, Check "Enable root access from remote machines",
click next and finally Execute
Please note that the first couple of Connection tries might fail, in that case simply press
the retry button and you should get a connection.
The "MySQL" service is now installed.
6. Install the MySQL GUI Tools
The latest MySql Gui Tools can be found at
use mysql-gui-tools-5.0-r12-win32.msi or later versions.
The package includes:
MySQL Administrator
MySQL Query Browser
MySQL Migration tool
Install the complete package