User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
7.5 Manual - Application Gateway
TetraFlex® 7.5
2.13.1 Application Programming Interface (API)
Application Gateways can be activated on any node, allowing applications/dispatchers to be
connected to the system.
Several applications can connect simultaneously to an Application Gateway, and they will
register to the system like a terminal by finding a working Application Gateway from its list of
IP addresses. This allows Gateway redundancy between a redundant BSC as well as
Application Gateway Nodes.
Applications are connected to the Gateway through the DAMM provided TetraFlexApi.dll
Dynamic Link Library, which is handling the complete interface protocol. The TetraFlexApi.dll
will also take care of its basic configuration and the Voice interface to PC sound system. The
TetraFlexApi.dll is License Dongle protected.
Figure 2-28: API function
At registration the TetraFlexApi.dll will check for identical protocol version numbers in the
Gateway and TetraFlexApi.dll. System software updates will include an updated
TetraFlexApi.dll, which shall be installed with all applications.
DAMM delivers an English standard Graphical User Interface (GUI) toolkit together with the
TetraFlexApi.dll, which can be used as reference for development.
The Application Gateway and TetraFlexApi.dll initially gives access to functions like: Making
Individual and Group Calls, discreet listening and connection to group calls, send and receive
SDS and handle the setup of DGNA etc. You can use the Toolkit or Dispatcher to see what
functions are available in the API.