User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
7.5 Manual - TetraOM
TetraFlex® 7.5
The TetraOM allows automatic execution of a TetraOM command repeated (R) or
continuously (C):
R/”OM command” can be used to poll a state within the BSC,TR. PS, Combiner.
C/”OM command” can be used to view the messages from the message queue.
Example: R/07/S (Show the actual time date and century seconds)
C/63/N (Shows the GPS data stream from a BS421) Simultaneous commands
From the TetraOM terminal window, it is possible to combine several TetraOM commands
using the “|” (Pipe symbol).
Example: 00|03/A (shows software version and alarm flag list) Local blocking mode
After power-on, the TR always starts in normal operating mode. If a given command requires
local blocking, it is shown in the help area for the command. Commands that require local
blocking are not available during normal operation for operator interference. If a protected
command is called, the following response is displayed:
Local blocking necessary
Only commands with a parameter are protected. After activation of local blocking (01+), all
commands except factory configuration commands are available. Parameters
Two types of parameters are used.
Generally + is used as parameter to turn on, enable or step up and - is used as parameter to
turn off, disable or step down.
E.g. 11+ (turn power supply on)
11- (turn power supply off
For more complex functions, a / is used as separator after the command no. followed by the
necessary no. of characters for the actual function.
E.g. 13/27 (set output power to 27dBm)
If the parameter is not valid for the actual command, the following response is displayed:
Invalid parameter