User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
7.5 Manual - BS41x Configuration
TetraFlex® 7.5
2.7.4 Setting the main parameters
The settings can be set and changed from the BSC GUI or with OM commands. Both are
described in this chapter.
The BSC-GUI can be started from the Start menu TetraFlex BSC - BSCGUI:
First set the Main parameters from the Main tab
Description: e.g. Node5-BSC1 OM command M71/DESCR/NODE5-BSC1
The string should contain a description of the node or the geographical position of the BS
site. If it is a single-carrier BS with directional antenna, the direction can also be included.
LAN IP address: Use the drop down box to select the LAN address setup from the Windows
IP setting as described in 2.7.3. OM Command M71/IPADDR/LAN/ The IP
address must match the Windows LAN IP setting.
The example shows BSC1 in a multinode configured to Node 5.
WAN IP address: Use the drop down box to select the WAN address setup from the
Windows IP setting as described in 2.7.3.
OM Command M71/IPADDR/WAN/ The IP address must match the
Windows WAN IP setting.
The example shows the WAN address set to match the company WAN IP address range.
Position change from GPS allowed: If set to Yes the Latitude and Longitude GPS
coordinates are received from the GPS antenna and overwrites the settings in the Latitude