User's Manual

Doc. No.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Denmark
V7.5 MANUAL - Dispatcher
TetraFlex® 7.5
List description released with the TetraFlex
package and placed in the C:\Tetra\Active\Doc
The TetraFlexApi.dll will at registration check for correct protocol version. When the
system software is updated with new features on the Application Gateway, the
TetraFlexApi.dll will also be updated and shall be installed at the GUI applications.
The TetraFlexApi.dll will be fully backward compatible, which means that older GUI
applications can use a newer version of TetraFlexApi.dll.
3.5.2 TetraFlex
Dispatcher Functionality
The Dispatcher application is developed to run on a Windows XP or Win7 platform. To launch
the Dispatcher application the following things are required:
IP connectivity to an Application GW on the IP backbone network.
Hardware dongle with API client and DAMM dispatcher enabled.
A valid Dispatcher SSI and user number defined in the subscriber register
A valid PIN code (optional) defined in the subscriber register
Organization 0 (Zero) defined in the subscriber register, also if this is organization is
not in use
Furthermore the dispatcher requires that Microsoft .NET framework and Microsoft SQL
Compact to be installed on the Dispatcher PC
When the Dispatcher application is launched the main window appears
Figure 3-33: Dispatcher Main window