
low frequency filters
feature: Infrasonic rumble
Benefit: infrasonic rumble is a PC term
for the omnipresent low frequency
garbage that loiters unnoticed in
the audio shadows. This headroom
consuming thief propagates from
HVAC units, jets, subways and yes,
Rayleigh Waves (i.e. earthquakes and
Elephants.) Eliminating it dramatically
increases low end clarity and punch
while allowing higher maximum levels
on any playback device.
Dangerous Music Inc. 231 Stevens Road, Edmeston, NY 13335 Phone: 607 965-8011 Fax: 607-965-8012
high frequency shelf
feature: Broad bandwidth shelving EQ
that affects several octaves.
Benefit: Minimized phase delay for
shapely, sweet and subtle sonic sculpting.
tip: The highest frequency shoulder is
approximately twice the listed frequency
(where the cut/boost is exactly 5dB).
The frequencies noted on the faceplate
reside in the middle of this slope, thus
corresponding with the most audible
left & right cut/Boost
feature: Individual knobs.
Benefit: Leverage the BAX
for M/S stereo tracking or
mixing. Additionally, discrete
left and right controls allow
the correction of any stereo
left & right cut/Boost
feature: Stepped attenuators.
Benefit: Stepped knobs to
repeat previous settings with
deadly accuracy.
high frequency filters
feature: Ultrasonic noise reduction.
Benefit: ultrasonic or out of band noise
is an A/D converter’s audio nemesis.
Derived from a myriad of man made and
natural sources, it propagates slew rate
overload, ultimately manifesting itself as
harsh, brittle sound.
tip: While tracking, utilize the hi cut filter
even when boosting bodacious amounts
of top end, thus keeping the treble bright
& airy, but not harsh or blaring.
low frequency shelf
feature: Broad bandwidth
shelving EQ that affects
several octaves.
Benefit: Minimized phase
delay for shapely, sweet and
subtle sonic sculpting.
tip: The frequencies noted
on the faceplate reside at
the bottom shoulder of the
slope and reach way into
the midrange, thus providing
a remarkably natural and
smooth character.
inputs & outputs
feature: neutrik xlr inputs.
Benefit: More surface area
for happy electrons to migrate
Go ahead and engage the cut
controls to remove the garbage
and ease the burden on your
converters. Now, combine the
frequency filters and shelves
to leverage these remarkable
shaping tools and gracefully
sculpt Michelangelo-like audio
hillocks and valleys that will
lead you down the highway of
sonic freedom.
feature: The frequency cut
filters feature individual relay
Benefit: Relays remove the
filters entirely from the signal
path until desired, for true A/B
tip: Always leave it engaged
during tracking and mixing to
relieve stress on the converter’s
frequency filters
feature: The frequency cut
filters each employ a 12 dB
per octave roll off.
Benefit: Smooth, accurate
and musical sounding without
tip: Employ these knobs in
conjunction with the shelf
controls to instantly create
remarkably musical contours.
engage in/out
feature: Hard wire bypass engage
Benefit: Allows true A/B
comparisons by completely removing
the hardware from the circuit while
in bypass.
ac caBle & switching
feature: Three pin IEC cable and
selectable voltage. Benefit: Less
things to lose and travel with your
favorite gear anywhere in the world!