User's Manual

BAX EQ | 1
The Dangerous BAX EQ was inspired by Peter Baxandall’s legendary 1950’s design that has graced hundreds of millions of home hi fi systems.
The BAX EQ’s unique design carves broad, open curves and gentle sloping cuts that are essential for recording, mixing and mastering. Seeking
the elusive Top 10 vocal sound? Add that perfect sheen of air. Chasing the chunk in grinding guitars? Dial in the meat. Lush midrange,
bottomless bass, and space are achieved effortlessly. Please welcome the BAX EQ to your tools for success- no radical sonic signature to
overshadow the music... just your music: neater, richer, sweeter.
Unpack this cornicopic ear treat and rejoice! Inside the box you’ll find the BAX EQ and standard 3 Pin IEC power cable (don’t let your guitar
player steal this for his Marshall™ head!)
Note: We recommend reading the entire manual (it’s short), but If you need immediate sexy sculpting satisfaction, jump ahead
to page 10. Just remember to circle back to the begining!
BAX EQ: Rear Panel Connections
[rear panel inputs and outputs pictured above]
Feature: Neutrik XLR Connectors.
Benefit: More surface area for happy electrons to migrate through and no off shore enameled look alike connectors that “almost”
Note: All connections wired pin 2 hot as per AES standards.
Tip: , Cables DO make a difference. Ask for Mogami 2534 interconnects.
Tip: , To use in unbalanced mode, take your high quality Mogami cable and tie pin 3 to 1 on the XLRs