Owner's manual

Feature: Instantly and silently switch between outboard processors.
Benefit: The human ear has a remarkably fleeting memory. Echoic memory studies have resulted in up to 4 seconds of
retention. Unfortunately these are based on vocal cues (random word sequences) vs. audio auditions. The latter have
resulted in only up to 1000 milliseconds. That means no time for a patchbay or clumsy manual jack swaps. The Liaison
provides true, instantaneous comparisons with no disconcerting pops and thuds.
Feature: True Hard-Wire Bypass Relays.
Benefit: When an insert is in bypass, the outboard unit is completely out of the circuit. This is the same as strapping an
incredibly short cable between the insert points- all circuitry is avoided.
Tip: , Even if the equipment itself does not have a True Hard-Wire Bypass, the Liaison provides it.
Feature: Color coded: Green = Engaged; White = Bypassed
Benefit: Visual confirmation of equipment activated.
3. BUSS A & B
Feature: Apply your outboard gear on two completely discrete stereo busses.
Benefit: Leverage all your outboard gear twice, on two discrete buss paths. For example, take the output of your favorite mic
preamp and send it to buss a. Then send the signal into your session. Meanwhile, connect the output of your mix to
buss b. Now all of your gear is accessible all the time for tracking, mixing and mastering.
Operation: Both Busses can be provided with input individually. Their respective outputs must be wired to the destination.
Tip: ,: Take the output of of buss a and connect it to the input of buss b to make one contiguous chain. This will allow
outboard that is connected later, to appear earlier. For example... the BAX EQ is in insert 1 and the Variable Mu™
Limiter is in insert 5. Selecting buss as insert 5 and buss bs insert 1, the Variable Mu™ will now receive audio before
the BAX EQ.
[flip buttons pictured above]