Owner's manual

Limiter is in insert 5. Selecting buss as insert 5 and buss bs insert 1, the Variable Mu™ will now receive audio before
the BAX EQ.
Operation: Press insert button 5 on buss a and insert button 1 on buss b.
Tip: , There is an additional insert, insert 6, located on the front panel.
[rear panel monitor output section pictured above]
Feature: 4 stereo outputs that provide input and output monitoring of each Buss.
Benefit: Listen before the outboard gear of buss a, or after, or before the outboard gear of buss b, or after to determine
whether the fruits of you labor are helping or hindering your efforts toward audio nirvana.
Tip: , When used in stand alone mode, you may monitor buss a input (preprocessing) and buss b output (post processing)
Tip: , monitor outs are tapped off the busses (pre buss a, post buss a, pre buss b, post buss b) and do not affect the main bus
inputs or outputs. (See diagram below and page 10 for pinout)