Instruction Manual

This signal block diagram gives an overall view of the flow in ST. The following pages
have back panel and front panel views to help in hooking up and adjusting the box.
Addition of the SR surround module is covered. The next section gives details of the
remote software and operation. Finally, a discourse on grounding, shielding, and making
installation go correctly is provided.
It was decided during the design to use no Digitally Controlled Amplifiers or Voltage
Controlled Amplifiers for level control. While DCAs are cheap and convenient, the
designers do not think that the sound quality shortcomings made up the difference and
developed a computer controlled transmission line attenuator for the main level controls.
This was (as usual) an expensive alternative but provides accurate level control,
repeatability, and in these designer’s views, the best sounding approach to remotely
controllable level adjustment available. In addition, the Computer Controlled Gain
System makes it easy for the end user to trim gains on individual inputs and speaker
outputs without the hassle or need of test gear to properly calibrate pots, other than an
SPL meter for the initial setup of the surround speakers. Interface with -10dBV and
+4dBu equipment is a button push away rendering the Semi/Pro gear problem a non-