Product guide

Selecting Folders
Make sure you’re in the file system/ folder structure panel (see page 23). Push the back (44) button to
return to the file system/ folder structure panel if you are in the file/ search results panel. Dial the track
select (33) encoder to browse the folders.
Push the track select (33) encoder to open the desired folder. Now you’re in the file/ search results
panel and are ready to select a track as described before.
Push the back (44) button to return to the file system/folder structure panel.
Selecting tracks using the track select encoder
Make sure you have opened the desired folder as described in Selecting folders and that you are in
the file/ search results panel (see page 23)
Dial the track select (33) encoder to browse the tracks.
Push the load A (34) button or the load B (43) button to load the track in respectively the A deck or the
B deck.
Starting Playback
Push the play/ pause (11) button during the pause or cue mode to start playback, the LED in the play/
pause (11) button lights up.
The point at which playback starts is automatically stored in the memory as the cue point. The CD
player will return to the cue point when the cue (9) button is pressed.
Stop Playback
There are two ways to stop playback:
Push the play/ pause (11) button during playback to pause at that point.
Push the cue (9) button during playback to return to the cue point and enter pause condition.
Push the play/ pause (11) button to pause playback.
The play/ pause (11) button blinks when the pause mode is set.
Playback resumes when the play/ pause (11) button is pressed again.
Setting a Cue Point
Push the play/ pause (11) button to toggle between play mode and pause mode.
The play/ pause indicator flashes as the deck is in pause mode.
Dial the jogwheel (32) to go to the desired Cue point.
Push the set cue (10) button and your cue point will be stored. The cue point will be indicated in the
waveform display as shown in figure 8.
Push the play/ pause (11) button to continue playback.
Setting a hot cue point in pause mode
Push the play/ pause (11) button to stop playback.
The play indicator flashes when the pause mode is set.
Turn the jogwheel (32) to go to the desired Cue point.
Push the desired hot cue (cue 1 (1)/ cue 2 (2)/ cue 3 (3)) button and your hot cue point will be stored.
The stored hot cue point will be indicated in the Waveform display as shown in figure 8.
Push the play/ pause (11) button to continue playback.