Product guide

Mixer Functions
29. Channel gain
The gain control allows you to adjust the input-sensitivity for a channel. And thus optimally matching the
incoming signals to the mixer’s internal operation level.
30/ 31/ 32. Channel equalizer section (hi/mid/low)
Use the 3 band equalizer to adjust the tone for each channel by using the hi, mid and low controls.
33. Load/view 1 button
Pushing this button loads the selected track in deck 1 and activates the cue function for channel 1. The
channel’s cue (36) button will light up.
While pushing and holding the shift (47) button and tapping this button allows you to select the Browser
panel (see page 23, “1. Browser/Sampler/Effects/Record”).
34. Filter control
Turn this control to apply a filter effect to the corresponding track.
Pushing and holding the shift (47) button while tapping the corresponding channel’s cue (36) button turns
the filter effect off. The filter control has a soft take over function.
35. Load/view 3 button
Pushing this button loads the selected track in deck 3 and activates the cue function for channel 3. The
channel’s cue (36) button will light up.
While pushing and holding the shift (47) button, tapping this button allows you to select the Effects panel
(see page 23, “1. Browser/Sampler/Effects/Record”).
36. Cue button
Tapping this button will allow the audio from that channel to be cued in the headphone. Ensure that
headphone volume (55) is not completely turned down.
37. Assign crossfader side left button
Allows you to assign the corresponding channel to the left crossfader side.
38. Assign crossfader side right button
Allows you to assign the corresponding channel to the right crossfader side.
39. Channel fader
The fader controls the volume of the corresponding channel.
40. Crossfader
The crossfader allows you to mix smoothly from one source to another (only when both channel faders
are up).
41. Master level control
Use to adjust the volume level of the master RCA (60) and the master XLR (62) outputs.
42. Booth level control
Use to adjust the volume level of the booth (63) outputs.
Notes: This is an analog control and does not send MIDI commands.
The booth control is post master volume.
43. Track select encoder
Depending on the browser panel (see page 25) you’re in, you can use the encoder to select a certain
track or folder. Confirm by pressing the encoder.
44. Load/view 2 button
Pushing this button loads the selected track in deck 2 and activates the cue function for channel 2. The
channel’s cue (36) button will light up.
While pushing and holding the shift (47) button and tapping this button allows you to select the Sampler
panel (see page 23, “1. Browser/Sampler/Effects/Record”).
45. Load/view 4 button
Pushing this button loads the selected track in deck 4 and activates the cue function for channel 4. The
channel’s cue (36) button will light up.
While pushing and holding the shift (47) button and tapping this button allows you to select the Record
panel (see page 23, “1. Browser/Sampler/Effects/Record”).
46. Back button
This button in combination with the track select (33) encoder allows you to navigate the browser panels.
See page 15: “Selecting folders” and “Selecting tracks
47.Shift button
Pushing and holding this button gives you access to the secondary functions of the: sample/rec (17), 1/2
beats (4), 2/4 beats (15), 3/8 beats (22), 4/16 beats (23), in/smartloop (7), out/reloop (26), sync/master
(11), load/view 1 (33), load/view 2 (44), load/view 3 (35), load/view 4 (45), cue (36) buttons and the
jogwheel (9).