Product guide

Loop play
Push the in/smart loop (7) button to set the loop start point the button will start blinking.
Push the out/reloop (26) button to set the loop end point. After the end point is set, the playback will
enter the loop play from start point to end point repeatedly. Both the in/smart loop (7) button and the
out/reloop (26) button will blink.
Tap the out/reloop (26) button to cancel the loop play. Both the in/smart loop (7) and out/reloop (26)
buttons will dim.
Pushing and holding the shift (47) button while tapping the out/reloop (26) button while in loop play,
allows you to change the endpoint by dialing the Jogwheel (9). The out/reloop (29) button will blink
while the in/smart loop (7) button will dim. Confirm the new endpoint by pushing and holding the shift
(47) button while tapping the loop out/reloop (29) button. Both the in/smart loop (7) button and the
out/reloop (26) button will blink again, indicating loop play is active.
Pushing and holding the shift (47) button while tapping the in/smartloop (7) button while in loop play,
allows you to change the startpoint by dialing the Jogwheel (9). The in/smartloop (7) button will blink
while the out/reloop (29) button will dim. Confirm the new endpoint by pushing and holding the shift
(47) button while tapping the loop in/smartloop (7) button. Both the in/smart loop (7) button and the
out/reloop (26) button will blink again, indicating loop play is active.
The 1/2 beats (4), 2/4 beats (15), 3/8 beats (22), 4/16 beats (23) buttons and the x2/shift (25) and
x½/shift (6) buttons allow you to shorten or expand the length of the recorded loop while loop play is
While pushing and holding the shift (47) button, the x2/shift (25) and x½/shift (6) buttons allow you to
shift the the recorded loop with 1 beat while loop play is active.
Auto loop play
Push the auto loop (13) button. The auto loop (13) will light.
Set the loop length using the 1/2 beats (4), 2/4 beats (15), 3/8 beats (22), 4/16 beats (23) buttons and
the x2/shift (25) and /shift (6) buttons. Smartloop play will start immediately.
Pushing the out/reloop (26) button will cancel smart loop play.
Push and hold the shift (47) button and tap the out/reloop (26) button. The song will return to the last
selected loop.
Push the out/reloop (26) button, the loop play function is canceled.
Recording a sample
Select a memory space in which you want to store your new sample by using the sample select up
(20) and sample select down (21) buttons.
Push the sample rec/smart cue (17) button to start recording.
When finished recording, push the sample rec/smart cue (17) button again.
Sample playback
Select a memory space in which you want to store your new sample by using the sample select up
(20) and sample select down (21) buttons.
Push the sample play (19) button to toggle playback/pause of the sample.