Assembly Instructions

Step 3
Step 2
Align the mounting positions of the Chair Back(A) and Chair Seat Frame(B).
Use your left hand to push the seat frame floorwards, depicted by Arrow 1, this action helps to
ensure the Chair Seat(B) is pressed towards to the Chair Back(A) with no gap between them.
Then, lock the middle mounting point by using Hardware Pack C and the corner mounting points by
using Hardware Pack A with The Allen Key(7),
Caution : At this stage, LOOSELY FASTEN these bolts
Insert the Front Rail(G) into the oval housing of Left Front Leg (C) & Right Front Leg (D)
as shown above.
Then, use Hardware Pack F to attach the Front Rail(G) to the Left Front Leg (C) & Right Front Leg
At this stage, LOOSELY FASTEN these bolts
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