User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Part No.: 9Z.P5E**.***; Rev.: 0
Doc. No.:
Project Code:
Page 16 of 33
Model Name:
Release Notice
1. No evidence degradation & No flux activity on membrane assembly. (Discoloration may be
acceptable if pass the following)
2. Max. loop Contact resistance (switch contacted) to be less than 1 KΩContact Resistance
Increasing Less then 30 %.
3. Pass the basic function test & switch reaction test (4 strikes/sec).
4. Pass the trace-peeling test.
4.2.3 Altitude (reference):
10K ft, Operating, 35K ft Non-Operating.
Criterion: Basic functional test shall be passed.
4.2.4 ESD test: (meet customer's requirement)
“The keyboard must be designed to be immune up to 8kVcontact discharges to any exposed conductive
surfaces and up to 15kV air discharges to any part of the keyboard that will attract an ESD event. This
immunity, applies to any part of the keyboard which could be damaged from such a discharge. In
addition, the keyboard when integrated into the system must afford immunity at the system level to said
Air discharges will seek areas or points that have a difference of potential from the tip of the ESD
generator (path of least impedance). This usually means, but is not limited to, ‘ground’ potential. All
circuit traces should be either insulated in a fashion to prevent an ESD event from occurring and/or have
a “safe” ground potential from which the discharge is attracted. In either case, the design of the keyboard
must be made to disallow any discharges to circuit traces.
5. Durability
5.1 Life test
Switch life must exceed a life expectancy of 10 million actuation (2 million for Function and Cursor
keys). This life performance must be demonstrated by actual testing using 150 grams minimum
Form No.: A-01-001-09(111107) 保存期限:最新狀態 保存單位:eGRNSystem