User Manual

PatientNet Operator’s Manual, v1.04, 10001001-00X, Draft 183
All information contained herein is subject to the rights and restrictions on the title page.
Note: The information in this section is only applicable for Wireless Medical
Telemetry Service (WMTS).
About Transceivers
Wireless Medical Telemetry Services (WMTS) Remote Transceivers provide the link
between the patient and the Central Station through the newly approved 608 - 614
MHz Medical Telemetry frequency band. The ambulatory and bedside device trans-
ceivers communicate data to the Central Station through the Access Point transceiver.
In addition, the transceivers are capable of receiving control commands for self-use or
connection transfer.
The PatientNet ambulatory transceiver is the DT-4500. This transceiver is worn by the
patient and usually carried in a gown pocket or pouch, and used with a 3, 4, or 5-wire
leadset connected to the electrodes on the patient. The DT-4500 is IPX7 compliant, so
it can be submerged in 1m of water for up to 30 minutes.
The DT-7000 and DT-7001 are the PatientNet bedside-device transceivers and are
physically connected to bedside monitors (other manufacturers’ bedside monitors and
NPB 7200 series ventilator).
The DR-10000 Access Point transceiver collects data from the ambulatory and bed-
side transceivers, sends that data to the Central Station, and transmits control data to
the transceiver devices.
WARNING: Remove transceivers from patients before MRI and CAT scan procedures, and
store the transceivers outside the room where such equipment is located.
Close proximity to MRI or CAT scan equipment may result in damage to
Programming Transceivers
Before a transceiver can be used with the PatientNet System, it must first be pro-
grammed with a Network Number and Monitor I.D. number to match the correspond-
ing Central Station. Consult your facility’s system administrator to perform these
WARNING: When programming the DT-4500 through the External Serial Device (I/O) con-
nector, it must be disconnected from the patient. The accessory connector
shall be kept covered when not in use with the supplied protective cover.
Failure to follow these instructions could lead to excessive voltages and cur-
rents being applied to the patient, resulting in cardiac arrest.
The corresponding Central Station must also be programmed to this Network Number
and Monitor Identification number.
If you have any questions about the programming status, contact your system adminis-