User Manual

PatientNet Operator’s Manual, v1.04, 10001001-00X, Draft 187
All information contained herein is subject to the rights and restrictions on the title page.
Ambulatory Transceiver (DT-4500)
The DT-4500 transceiver is a battery-operated ambulatory transceiver worn by the
patient and used with a 3, 4, or 5-wire leadset that is connected to electrodes on the
patient. The transceiver is available to patients who are not confined to a bed, but still
require constant monitoring of their ECG waveforms.
Operating Instructions
Push Button Function and Use
See Figure 91 on page 190 for an image of the DT-4500 controls and LED indicators.
External Serial Devices (I/O) Connector
The External Serial Device (I/O) connector allows an external serial device or pro-
gramming cable to connect and maintain a logical communication link between the
DT-4500 and the Central Station. See page 183 for details on programming the DT-
4500 through the I/O connector.
ECG Leadset Connector
The ECG leadset connector allows the ECG leadset to attach to the DT-4500 and
maintain a logical communication link between the DT-4500 and the Central Station.
See page 195 for details on attaching the ECG leadset to the DT-4500 through the
ECG leadset connector.
Remote Record
When depressed, the Remote Record function button will initiate a strip chart record-
ing at the Central Station.
Nurse Call
When depressed, the Nurse Call function button will initiate a Nurse Call Alarm at the
Central Station.