User Manual

PatientNet Operator’s Manual, v1.04, 10001001-00X, Draft 191
All information contained herein is subject to the rights and restrictions on the title page.
LED Indicators Function
Upon Power-On, all LED indicators are illuminated for a brief period. After the speci-
fied time period, only those LEDs displaying positive (or negative) transceiver func-
tions, as described in each section below, remain illuminated.
Procedure Alarm Silence Status Indicator
The Procedure Alarm Silence Status Indicator is illuminated when the PAS function is
active. The LED flashes while the Procedure Alarm Silence button is unlocked or the
PAS active time is running low. The PAS button can only be pressed and activated
during this unlocked phase. Refer to the section on “Procedure Alarm Silence (PAS)
Button” on page 189 for more information.
External Serial Devices (I/O)
The External Serial Device (I/O) LED is illuminated when an external serial device is
connected, detected and maintaining a logical communication link.
Note: When illuminated, be sure that the device is not connected to the patient.
Low Battery (BATT)
The Low Battery (BATT) LED is illuminated while the battery voltage remains good;
however, the LED flashes when the battery voltage falls below a predetermined value.
When the battery power falls below a predetermined value, then the transceiver will
automatically power itself off.
RF link (RF)
The RF link indicator is illuminated while there is RF communication between the
DT-4500 transceiver and the Central Station. The LED flashes if there is communica-
tion between the DT-4500 transceiver and the Access point, but not the Central Sta-
Electrode Status Indicators (RA, LA, RL, LL, V
Each ECG electrode wire is named, color coded (Table 21), and represented by an
LED indicator. Each LED is illuminated with a solid light when the electrode is fully
active, and is off when no electrode signal is present.
Table 21 Electrode Colors
Electrode Name Wire Color
RA White
LA Black
RL Green
LL Red
V1 Brown