User's Guide

AlarmView™ System
System Components
The transmitter is Data Critical Corporation’s proprietary RF transmitter
operating in the UHF band (450-466MHz). It has an a BNC connector
for the antenna needed for the RF transmissions, an IR port used for
setup, a button for power on/off and certain user initiated transmissions,
and an RJ-45 connector for connection with the Patient Monitoring
<Insert AlarmView Transmitter Device Unit image here>
The pager is a 4 by 20 character text based, off the shelf pager operating
in the UHF band (450-466MHz), and able to receive POCSAG encoded
<Insert AlarmView Paging Device Unit image here>
PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) Programmer
The PDA programmer is an off the shelf Personal Digital Assistant with
Windows CE operating system and equipped with AlarmView
programming software. The PDA programmer includes an IR port for
communications with the transmitter. At least one PDA running Windows
CE with AlarmView software is needed to be used for user programming
of the transmitters.
<Insert PDA image here>