User Manual

AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual
880-0326-01 REV. A Page 6
Section 1: AlarmView™ System
WARNING: As with all medical equipment, carefully route patient
cabling to reduce the possibility of patient entanglement or
WARNING: Do not use an AlarmView transmitter, pager, or
programmer that appears to be damaged.
WARNING: The AlarmView wireless data network system is a
secondary alarm notification system. The AlarmView System is
intended to supplement and not to replace any part of the
hospital’s device monitoring procedures (including procedures
regarding bedside pulse oximeters and responding to bedside
oximeter alarms). The delivery of pages cannot be guaranteed
or verified. Do not rely on the AlarmView System as the sole
source of oximetry alarms.
WARNING: An AlarmView System must always consist of at
least two pagers, so that if one pager is temporarily not receiving
pages (for example, because the batteries are exhausted or the
user is out of range) and no one silences the alarm at the
monitor, the second pager will be notified via a reminder page.
WARNING: To ensure accurate performance and prevent device
failure, do not subject the AlarmView System to extreme
moisture, such as direct exposure to rain. Such exposure may
cause inaccurate performance or device failure. The transmitter,
transmitter power supply, programmer and/or pager must be
removed from service and returned to Data Critical if they ever
become submerged in liquid.