User Manual

AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual
880-0326-01 REV. A Page 41
Monitor Type and Authorization fields are read-only values set at
initial installation. You will not need to edit these values.
4. To change survey page time intervals, tap the Down Arrow
in the sec (seconds) field. Tap to select desired time interval
from the pull-down menu.
5. To change the total number of survey pages, tap the Down
Arrow in the times field. Tap to select the desired number of
pages from the pull-down menu.
6. Program survey page configuration into the transmitter. Turn
the transmitter on and aim the infrared port on the
programmer directly at the infrared port on the front of the
transmitter and tap the SEND button. The programmer will
display a “Sending Program Data” status message.
7. Wait for receipt of a “Programming OK” status message,
then tap Exit button to return to SysMgr.
The complete Survey Paging procedure is detailed in Section 5:
Testing and Periodic Maintenance, “Transmitter Range Test,” in
this manual.
Changing Global System Parameters
An AlarmView System is defined by a common frequency, baud
rate, and a global cap code. All transmitters and pagers within an
AlarmView System must have the same frequency (MHz), baud
rate (bps), and global cap code. Each pager has two addresses:
the unique cap code and the global cap code. The global cap
code is common to all pagers within the AlarmView System.
The Reminder Page Delay Interval is intended to be set to the
same value for all transmitters in the system.