User's Manual

Telemetry Transmitters User Manual Page 7 of 10
be drawn into the catheter tip as you slowly release the pressure. Gently clean the tip and the transmitter is ready for
The gel is sterile, but the syringe tip may become contaminated after use. The gel syringe may be reused by
expelling a small amount of gel, then disinfecting the tip.
Precautions Against Blown Sensors
The pressure sensors in DSI blood pressure implants are extremely sensitive; and can be easily damaged. Therefore,
it is necessary to use proper care when handling the transmitters. The following are preventative measures to
observe when handling blood pressure transmitters.
Handle the device with care and make sure not to drop it.
Do not produce any situations where more than 20 lbs per square inch of gauge pressure (approx. 1000 mmHg) are
applied to the sensor.
Take care to grasp the catheter with a proper tool so that the lumen of the catheter does not collapse. DSI
recommends the use of vessel cannulation forceps.
If it is necessary to cut the catheter, do not use a pair of scissors. Catheters should always be cut with a new scalpel
blade at a 45° angle at no less than 3cm from the body of the transmitter. DSI recommends removing the entire
implant and catheter assembly intact whenever possible to avoid damage to the sensor.
Make sure to notice where you are gripping the protective tip cover of the catheter. If the protective cover is gripped
too close to the catheter, it could collapse the lumen of the catheter. This causes a sharp increase in pressure.
Snapping the protective tip cover off can cause a sharp change in pressure as well.
Be sure to monitor the amount of pressure being applied with an AM radio while regelling the implant. For further
instructions on regelling, see the “Regelling Pressure Transmitters” section of this Guide or contact DSI Technical
When shipping the transmitters for refurbishment, make sure to properly package the implant to reduce the chance
of damage during shipping. DSI recommends using the original shipping container to return the transmitters.
Replacement of a blown pressure sensor may require a fee in addition to the standard implant refurbishment charge.