User's Manual

The Configuration Wizard can detect a maximum of eight implants per cycle, if the system will ultimately
have more than eight implants; it is a good idea to power up and configure implants in groups of less than
eight devices.
Once the scanning process is complete and all of the implants are identified, the progress bar will be solid
green and the message “Scanning Frequencies … Process Complete” will appear below the progress bar.
Click NEXT to proceed to the next step – Assign Implants to CLCs.
Page 4: Assign Implants to CLCs
This stage of the process allows the user to custom configure the system to assign individual implants to specific CLCs:
e.g. “I would like implant A to be assigned to CLC #4, communicating on frequency F1-A1.”
The implants that have previously been assigned to CLCs will automatically be shown in the left column
labeled CLC / Implant Assignment.
The implants that have not been previously assigned to a CLC will appear in the right column labeled
Found / Available Implants.
To assign an available implant, click on the implant name in the right column and drag the implant into the
box below the desired CLC on the left.
Once all of the implants are assigned to the appropriate CLCs, Click Next.