User's Manual

Quick Reference Guide 15
Enabled Symbologies
UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN 13, EAN 8 — without add-ons, Check
Character Transmission enabled, no Expansion, Minimum Reads
= 1 (except In-Store Minumum Reads = 2), System Number
Transmission = enabled, 2D Components = disabled, EAN 8
Guard Insertion/Substitution Options = disabled (except EAN 8
Guard Substitution), Stitching = disabled.
Code 39 — Check Character Calculation/Transmission enabled,
Start/Stop Character disabled, Full ASCII disabled, Quiet Zones =
auto, Minimum Reads = 1, Decoding Level and Aggressiveness =
3, Variable Length Control, Length One = 2, Length Two = 50,
Interdigit Ratio = 4, Character Correlation = Disabled, Stitching is
Code 128 — No Expansion, Check Character Transmission
enabled, SubCode Change not transmitted, Quiet Zones = Auto,
Minimum Reads = 1, Decoding Levels and Aggressiveness = 3,
Variable Length Control, Length One = 1, Length two = 80, Char-
acter Correlation = disabled, Stitching = enabled.
Interleaved 2 of 5 — Zero Pattern and Check Character Calcula-
tion = disabled, Check Character Transmission = enabled, Mini-
mum Reads = 1, Decoding Levels and Aggressiveness = 3, Variable
Length Control, Length One = 12, Length Two = 100, Character
Correlation and Stitching = disabled.