Integration Guide

SmallSTAR-Module 910
Confidential page 5 of 5
Basic module states
Different states explanation:
IDLE: this state is entered when pin IDLE is set High. Power consumption is lowered to less than 100
uA. In idle state the radio module is unable to receive or transmit data packets.
TX: RF power amplifier is active. This state can be entered from RX mode, sending to the module a
formatted TX packet. Tx mode can’t be hold active more than the maximum data packet (about 20
RX:receiver is active. Data is sent out from RX_DATA pin and CD is set depending from presence or
not of RF carrier.
COMMAND: the module exits from normal functioning and is able to receive configuration
commands from host. This state can be entered from RX mode, sending to the module the escape
string [ESC]#+CMD[CR] @ 38400, 8, N, 1. To exit this state, the appropriate command must be sent.
Fig. 1
RX mode
Received RF signal is down-converted to baseband, demodulated and converted to a bit stream presented
on TX_DATA pin. Also CD# is driven, asserting presence or lack of carrier in the RF channel as in Fig 1.